Friday, September 26, 2014

'The Daily Show' Airs Controversial Piece

In a recent making of an episode of Comedy Central's, "The Daily Show", Jon Stewart had decided to send out reporter, Jason Jones, to tackle the controversy that is the NFL's Washington Redskins controversial name. Jones met with four big fans of the Redskins and fans of the name. After the interview had taken place, the fans went to the Washington Post and  reported that the have been tricked by having been "ambushed" by Native Americans during the taping of the segment, leaving them feeling "in danger" and "defamed". Jon Stewart, the host of the show claimed that he "learned later that some of the participants who participated in the piece — they didn’t enjoy the experience.” He also said, "We take the complaints seriously…If we find out, in a piece, that someone was intentionally misled or if their comments were intentionally misrepresented. We do not air that piece."

This whole fiasco is honestly a really dumb thing to be having to have controversy about, and I don't mean that the controversy about the name is really dumb because its worth talking about. Native Americans are being offended by the name, as they see it as a racial slur. But the dumb problem that I'm regarding to, is the fact that these four fans are complaining that they were finally confronted by Natives. They feel that they have been "duped", but they failed to understand that whatever Jon Stewart has planned or does for the show is simply for the sake of comedy and that they never intend for anyone to be offended. A word that really got me to think was "ambushed", which means that the people playing the Natives came up without the fans knowing about it. One can argue that the producer of the show should have told the fans before-hand that the Native Americans were coming, but that would pretty much defeat the purpose of the surprise. It's obvious that the producers didn't tell the fans that Natives would appear because it would ruin the authenticity of their surprise, just like you wouldn't tell your friend that you are throwing a surprise birthday party for him or her, because that would ruin the surprise. Again, the fans go to the Washington Post and tell them that they have be attacked and ambushed, in other words offended. But wait, isn't that what many other Natives across the U.S. are feeling? The fans seem pretty hypocritical and aren't seeing that they're making themselves look bad. If anything, this controversy has probably grabbed the attention of some people and made them new viewers, which is a good thing for the show. The one thing I can take from this is that in the event that you hire some people, be prepared for any possible outcome. Now this makes me wonder if any legal action will occur and if  so, who is right?

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