Thursday, September 11, 2014

4th Dimension Movie Theaters Taken Into Consideration.

For quite some time now, we have had the concept of  "4-D movies." 4-D in the sense that water squirts, wind, chair shaking and leg-tickling play a role and enhance the film watching experience. An example of 4-D is wind machine blowing air at you while a gust of wind brushes the characters on-screen. The purpose of this is to engage the audience and make them feel as if they were really in the movie. The CJ 4DPlex is what makes these 4-D movies happen and are in 112 theaters in 20 countries around the world. 

This is a great idea and 4-D theaters should be more common in the U.S. considering that there is only one which is located in the Regal in Los Angeles. Despite a minor financial set back in buying the CJ 4DPlex, the money will quickly brought back by the many people who want to experience a film in 4-D. For example, Transformers: Age of Extinction has been playing in 4-D in a 4-D theater and has made a whopping $105,016 over 13 days as opposed to $44,054 of showing it in a traditional show in the same amount of time.

More money for the film industry and a better experience for audience members, it's a win-win situation, despite the larger price for the tickets because once you buy it it'll be your money's worth. This has taught me that film is rapidly evolving and we should keep up with all the positive changes, such as this one.,manual#bPXJTZ


  1. I think that it would be a good idea for movie theaters to create a 4-D section because I think it would make the whole movie experience much better and funner,but the only downside would be taking food in there because there would be a high chance it would fall.

  2. Yes, 4-D seems amazing, however, there have been films dated back that have given us such great motivation and have hooked the audience not to leave their seats at the very end of the film.
