Thursday, March 5, 2015

Walden Media On Board With Speilberg For The BFG

Walden Media has made the decision to help produce and finance a new DreamWorks film, The BFG, an adaptation of the 1982 children's novel by Roald Dahl that goes by the same name. The story takes place in a world where a young girl, the Queen of England and a giant known as the BFG, venture out into the world to stop the evil, man-eating giants that are scattered among the world.  Mark Rylance is said to be take the role of the BFG or Big Friendly Giant, along with newcomer, Ruby Barnhill to play as the young girl. Walden Media claims that they are "delighted to be involved with DreamWorks" and claim that Steven Spielberg is the perfect director to work with. Disney is also said to contribute to the film in term of oversees distribution.
As of recently, DreamWorks seems to impatient in terms of film production. It almost seems as if they are rushing these films out in an attempt to make a quick buck (their newest film Home being an example.) However, I do believe that this does have the potential to be a great film. Steven Spielberg has definitely proved himself to be a near-masterful director and DreamWorks actually has released above average films, making the reality of this film to be great to be a possibility. Will this film be a charmer and reel in some money or will it flop and just be another failed attempt to making a quick buck?


  1. Hopefully this movie gets kids attention. Many young kids are fascinated with electronics rather than a kid movie.

  2. The film will only get attention if Spielberg directs it. If Spielberg again is the executive producer, the film will attempt to make a quick buck.

  3. The film will only get attention if Spielberg directs it. If Spielberg again is the executive producer, the film will attempt to make a quick buck.
