Thursday, March 12, 2015

Liam Neeson Quiting Action Movies

In a fairly interview, Liam Neeson has been asked how much longer he plans to star as the action hero in thriller movies. His response: "Maybe two more years. If God spares me and I’m healthy. But after that, I’ll stop. I think." Neeson has made a handful of action films ,as of recently, such as Taken 3, Non-Stop, A Walk Among the Tombstones, and an upcoming film, Run All Night.

Although Liam is one of the more iconic thriller actors to be put up on the big screen, I absolutely respect his decision is stepping down from such heart-pumping and adrenaline rushing work. At the age of 62, it is more than appropriate for him to settle down in terms of making these kinds of movies. Despite his 'retirement'  from the genre, it most certainly is not going to render him useless as an actor. Sure, most of his work is based upon the action/thriller group, but he is a pretty phenomenal actor with lots of talent and it's very apparent in a lot of his films like Schindler's List. This has taught me that in whatever line of work you are doing, there has to be a line you have to draw when you come to a certain age, especially in film, Will he stay true to his word or will he surprise us with another action film in the next few years?


  1. Good! Liam Neeson needs to step down and take on a new approach. Seriously his latest films are no good.

  2. Good! Liam Neeson needs to step down and take on a new approach. Seriously his latest films are no good.
