Thursday, January 29, 2015

Worker Killed On Set of Scorsese Film

Martin Scorsese is currently in pre-production of his new and upcoming film, Silence, and is also directing while they are in Taiwan. The movie is based off of the novel that goes by the same name and is written by Shusako Endo. Tragically, while working in CMPC Studios in Taiwan, a worker died and several others suffer from minor to major injuries. These casualties were due to the collapse of a back lot  which had been deemed unsafe after a supposed 3rd party contractor was hired to reinforce it.

It's not uncommon that situations like this occur during the process of shooting  film or making any sort of practical visual art, but that's not to say that this is not tragic. Not only is it horribly sad that someone did while on the job, but it is also a waste of time, money and energy now that legal actions may occur. It shouldn't be a surprise if the film is somewhat delayed or held back, however this may serve as a lesson to filmmakers everywhere at that is to make sure that you're able to take risks but stay safe while doing them.

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