Thursday, January 29, 2015

Worker Killed On Set of Scorsese Film

Martin Scorsese is currently in pre-production of his new and upcoming film, Silence, and is also directing while they are in Taiwan. The movie is based off of the novel that goes by the same name and is written by Shusako Endo. Tragically, while working in CMPC Studios in Taiwan, a worker died and several others suffer from minor to major injuries. These casualties were due to the collapse of a back lot  which had been deemed unsafe after a supposed 3rd party contractor was hired to reinforce it.

It's not uncommon that situations like this occur during the process of shooting  film or making any sort of practical visual art, but that's not to say that this is not tragic. Not only is it horribly sad that someone did while on the job, but it is also a waste of time, money and energy now that legal actions may occur. It shouldn't be a surprise if the film is somewhat delayed or held back, however this may serve as a lesson to filmmakers everywhere at that is to make sure that you're able to take risks but stay safe while doing them.

Thursday, January 22, 2015

DreamWorks Experiencing a Bumpy Ride

As of lately, DreamWorks has been struggling financially because of it's recent work. Past films, such as Mr. Peabody and Sherman and Turbo, can be used as example as to why DreamWorks has been struggling in the past year or so, with the exception of How To Train Your Dragon. in point of fact, these movies have made less money than it cost to make them, deeming it appropriate to be called flops. Their struggles have been do bad, that they have sadly left them laying about 500 people off, scrapping a movie project in total, and a reduced slate. To make up for this conundrum, they play to release a great amount of movies in the future, such as Kung Fu Panda 3, Boss Baby, The Croods 2 and so on.

First off, I believe that is sad to see that as many as 500 people have lost their old jobs most likely doing what they loved. I think that DreamWorks definitely has the potential to make some pretty memorable movie such as Shrek, How To Train Your Dragon, Chicken Run etc., however I think it is fair to say that they have lost some of their mojo. Nowadays it seems as though they just make movies to make a quick buck, but yet sadly, they fail to do even that. With the release of these new movies, I can unfortunately predict that some will be flops. For example, making a third Kung Fu Panda doesn't seem like that much of a great idea, considering the fact that the release date from its most recent sequel to the one that is about to come out in the following year is 5 years apart. Making another Kung Fu Panda is like trying to start a fire from ash. People have seen the first two within a respectable 3 year time gap, but there may be some to little hype surrounding the new release that is half  decade away from its most recent one. All in all, it is a shame that so many people have lot their jobs and if this has taught me anything, its that jobs come and go in the industry.