Thursday, November 6, 2014

Toy Story 4 Confirmed For 2017

Disney and Pixar have confirmed their production for a new Toy Story movie, Toy Story 4.  The film has been predicted to be released sometime in the year 2017, almost a decade from its predecessor, Toy Story 3. The film is planned to be directed by John Lassetor, who directed the first two Toy Story's before turning over to another director for Toy Story 3. The movie's plot is yet to be heard of, but by judging on how the third Toy Story ended, it is safe to say that the story will revolve around the little girl that recieved the toys from the main character, Andy.

Toy Story 4 will no doubt gather a lot of attention; even more than it already has, but is a 4th movie really necessary? A sequel may be a good decision, a three-quel may be risky, but successful like Toy Story 3, but a 4th movie may be a little excessive. Pixar and Disney had stated that they had no plan of making another Toy Story after the third one had been released, but now they have one in production with an official deadline. Why is it that they changed their mind? Was it a realization that a big profit can result in the making of this movie? It is possible that the companies reviewed their success with Frozen (which was the highest grossing animated film of all time) and said, "We should make another Toy Story." This movie can be either a big success or a big flop, depending on how well audience members react from this. Pixar has, no doubt, some of the best animated films in history, but it must be taken in to account that Pixar can make movies that are not so good. (An example can be "Disney's: Planes") 
So will this be a big success or will this be a big disappointment for the makers and the audience members? If it is a success, will they use that money to find other projects or make another sequel?

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